Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How The Earth Was Really Created

How God Created the Earth

The theory of evolution, which includes the supposed evolution of all life on the earth, evolutionary geology of the planet, and the evolution of the cosmos, is all fiction, made up from whole cloth. The classic evolutionary chart showing the evolution of man from a lower ape to the current bipedal upright man is complete fiction—none of those life forms exist except for the last one, modern man.

Evolutionists have created a narrative of how man supposedly evolved from warm pond scum to today’s highly intelligent human being—over hundreds of millions of years. The narrative was created first, then the evolutionists set out to find evidence to support their theory; it is upside down science. Real science finds evidence, and then writes the narrative to fit the data. But great pains are taken to give evolution the pretext of serious science, with volumes of evidence, and irrefutable conclusions. But the evidence is mostly fiction and it is fabricated to support the narrative; contrary evidence is not allowed into the discussion—and certainly nothing Biblical, religious or God related is allowed into the discussion.

Charles Darwin, who is given credit for today’s modern theory of evolution was a poor scientist, did very little research, gave no credence to existing science, and made huge leaps of both logic and evidence in order to “prove” his theory. Other atheists then jumped on the bandwagon and began looking for evidence to support this new narrative. The Bible, the creation, and Noah’s flood were never argued against, no evidence was ever presented to disprove them; they were simply dismissed, as though they never existed.

Soon, it was obvious that the theory of evolution, based on a very slow, mutation based, system of changes, needed more time, a lot more time. So the narrative began to change to get around the problem that the mutation based evolutionary theory required. Darwin had no evidence that mutations were responsible for the changes he thought he saw in species, but he had to have something, and mutations were all that he had.

But mutations, in nearly all cases, are adverse, they create negative results, not the positive results (like species getting more intelligent), and they are so few and far between that it became apparent that evolution needed more time—a lot more time. So the narrative began to include the fictional notion that the earth is very, very old, millions, hundreds of millions, billions of years old. Ok, now they thought they had enough time for evolution to work, plus, nobody can dispute something that occurs over hundreds of millions of years, and certainly no unlearned person was capable of disputing it, so the theory was safe—so they supposed.

A good example of how mutations are negative and make things in the species worse is trisomy 21, the mutation that causes Down Syndrome. This mutation makes the victims shorter, mentally retarded, most have defective hearts and other issues, and all are sterile. With this mutation alone, the species would be gone in one generation.

What Is Not Known

Nobody knows what the earth was like before Adam and Eve—especially not the geologists. The fiction put forth by the geology mob is not even worth printing, its complete nonsense. Anyway, nobody knows exactly what the earth was like, nobody was there to make observations and so much has changed since then. The earth we know today was not exactly the same earth that Adam and Eve knew.
Matter is not created, it is not made over billions of years or otherwise, it has always existed. So the age of matter could be anything, nobody knows and there is no way to accurately date any of it; it could have been floating in space of mega-billions of years or could have been created by God in a day. Ironically, the fashionable theory of the day about how the universe came into being is the “big bang” theory, which depicts the universe as being created out of nothing; one moment there was nothing, the next moment the entire universe exploded into existence. This is science, supposedly, telling us the universe was created out of nothing.

Because of numerous inferences in the Bible, some experts believe the earth of Adam and Eve was not tilted 23 degrees, lacked tall mountains (those would come later), and probably most of the land was all together in one piece. This undoubtedly all changed with Noah’s flood; the “earth was divided”, the great deep was “broken up”, the waters covered the entire earth (not real difficult if there were no high mountains), the earth tilted to its present 23 degree axis. This action alone would probably have caused the earth to be covered with water (baptized), and would have caused the solid parts of the earth to move (possibly creating the continents we know today), and causing volcanoes to erupt all over the earth.

So imagine all of this happening at the same time; the earth does a significant tilt (nobody knows why this happened but it brought about the changes God wanted in the earth, created the seasons, the ice caps, the rivers, the mountains, the islands, and much more.
Geologists are not stupid, they know what happened, they make pretty good observations, they see what is there, and they know something caused it. They get in trouble when they try to apply time to the observations they make and in trying to fit what they see into the geologic narrative they have been brainwashed into supporting. For example, the geologists know the Colorado River in its present form did not carve the Grand Canyon; the very idea is obviously absurd. But the evolutionary narrative dictates that they apply great time (deep time) to explanations about that canyon. If the Colorado River carved the Grand Canyon, why is it not still carving the Grand Canyon? Geologists reluctantly admit they cannot find evidence the Colorado River has carved even one millimeter deeper over the past several thousand years. Hmmm, curious. But they stick to their narrative nevertheless. Every published piece about the Grand Canyon repeats the myth that the Colorado River carved the Grand Canyon, that the present is the key to the past that it took 70 million years for the river to carve the canyon, etc. All complete fiction.

The geologic fictional notion of “shallow seas” and “meandering streams” explains nothing and is a desperate reach to attempt to explain why some formation took five million years to form. Why would there have ever been shallow seas? Was there less water on the planet in the past than there is currently? Of course not, and no geologist ever makes that claim but the shallow seas fiction occurs in every narrative about the formation of geologic strata or formations.

The Colorado Plateau reveals the dishonesty of the geological community. The Colorado Plateau is a geologic uplift that created some of the most colorful and beautiful landscape in the world. But much of the plateau has been swept clean of its loose soil deposits; why? The millions of square miles of barren exposed rock should have topsoil, or sand, or volcanic ash, or all three on top of it—as does most of the planet, but it doesn’t. From Zion National Park to the Grand Canyon, to Capitol Reef and the San Juan River drainage, all of the topsoil has been swept away exposing the solid rock beneath. No geologist offers any sensible explanation because the only explanation is the great Biblical flood of Noah. But geologists are not allowed to consider the Bible or the Biblical flood even though evidence of that great, cataclysmic event is everywhere and is obvious to even the casual observer. As the Colorado Plateau rose up to its current height following Noah’s flood, the “receding” waters (sea water) swept off all the loose dirt and took it away to lower elevations—and it didn’t take 70 million years, it all happened in a year or two, creating all the current national parks in Utah, Colorado and Arizona. And yes, that event carved the Grand Canyon too.

The events surrounding Noah’s flood included far more than just a lot of rain; the flood event included the tilting of the earth to its present 23 degree angle, the eruption of hundreds of volcanoes, dozens of earthquakes, the violent movement of the tectonic plates which created the Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada mountain range, the Himalayan mountain range and most of the younger mountain ranges on the planet. The Great Smoky Mountains in the eastern United States were probably created during the initial creation; while newer/younger mountain ranges like the Rocky Mountains were created during Noah’s great flood.

The result of hundreds of volcanic eruptions during the same year would fill the atmosphere with incalculable amounts of ash, blocking the suns heat and creating the ice age. And the tilting of the earth to its present 23 degree angle would mean the ice that formed on the poles would remain frozen for a very long time. The receding ice from North America and Europe did not occur some fictional millions of years ago, it happened about four to five thousand years ago.

The death of the dinosaurs also did not occur 70 million years ago. The scientific community knows that some catastrophic event (they nearly choke in using that term because it is a term that is not in their narrative) killed off the dinosaurs. Noah did not take dinosaurs on the ark, God was done with them, they had no further purpose and the flood killed them off. They were not entirely unknown to ancient man. The dragons described and written about in many cultures are the dinosaurs of pre-flood fame. Geologists make up all kinds of fanciful notions trying to explain why dead dinosaurs appear in great bunches, piles even, in certain locations. They make up stories of mythical migrations to dying grounds. But the dinosaurs were swept away and deposited by the events of the great flood and were exterminated.

Geologists and other scientists know that some catastrophic event occurred in the past, they know the dinosaurs were all killed off almost instantly. They know some great catastrophic water event took place that carved the canyons and deposited the sediment in the valleys and formed the mountains and changed the face of the earth. So they make up fictional narratives about how all this might have happened. It’s curious that a well documented event like Noah’s flood, with evidence abundantly present in the geologic record, is completely ignored in scientific writings. But anything Biblical, anything religious, anything divine is not allowed to be considered. Curious isn’t it?

So what is definitely not known is how old the earth is, how old the various formations are, or even how they were formed. Geologists have no idea how old the earth is either but because they are smart people with lots of education they cannot allow that there is something they don’t have the answers to so they make up a lot of fiction to pretend they do know how old the earth is or how old some rock or formation is. They throw out really big nine or ten digit numbers that give the appearance of fact, when in fact those numbers are complete fiction.

We also do not know why there is life here. Darwin’s fairy tale musing that “perhaps warm pond scum” under the right conditions, given enough time, could have produced single, living bacteria. The very idea is completely unsupportable, without any evidence, cannot be defended or reproduced scientifically, and is the product of a desperate reach by Darwin and many others in search of any theory that could contradict the Bible, God, and intelligent design. Show me any living thing that does not exhibit impressive design, order and intelligence—you can’t, such examples do not exist. Every living thing is incredibly complicated, marvelously engineered, and evidences unbelievable creative design.

So, in the beginning the earth was relatively flat with some low mountain ranges, it did not tilt 23 degrees, there were no seasons, and the land mass was probably mostly, if not completely, one large mass. Dinosaurs roamed certain parts of the earth; there were no high mountains (those would come later), probably no rain, as mist, fog and humidity watered the earth every evening and morning.
Then God directed Noah to build a ship—inland no less, and told him to collect two (or seven in many cases) of most of the animals, put them in the ark, and close the door. It began to rain. But the earth then tilted to its present 23 degree tilt, tectonic plates began to move, volcanoes began erupting all over the earth, this caused the seas to heave way beyond their normal bounds. The disruption was universal. The earth’s tilting alone would have been a major catastrophic event, but Noah, his family and the animals were safely on board the ark—the only safe place on earth.

Noah was aboard the ark for over a year, the waters receded, mountains appeared, and life started over again. All the dinosaurs drowned, all the fish survived, and Noah opened the ark and set the animals free again to roam the earth.
This was immediately followed by a major ice age because the ash put forth into the atmosphere from hundreds of volcanoes so filtered the suns heat to the point that the north and south poles froze over and ice formed well into the temperate zones from both poles.

What was the result of Noah’s flood and the catastrophic events that accompanied it? Mountain ranges were formed, volcanic islands appeared throughout the oceans, large valleys had been created, rivers formed, canyons carved. And when the waters receded off the land, it removed any soil, topsoil, sand, and loose soil that had settled out of the seas during the flood. The mountains and high places were denuded, swept clean, and the rich fertile valleys were the recipients of that soil. So much water came off the Colorado Plateau that the Grand Canyon was formed, Zion Canyon was formed, and Bryce Canyon was formed, as was Canyonlands and hundreds of other smaller canyons. The thick sandstone and limestone was exposed in the west, rivers began flowing, trees and grass began to grow again. And as Noah’s posterity multiplied and began to spread across the face of the earth.

The evidence for Noah’s flood is everywhere, is obvious, and clear and observable—and nobody has to make up a lot of silly fiction or push history back billions of years to try to explain how it all happened.

Nobody knows why ribbons of gold, silver and other precious and rare metals appear in the rock formations, they are just there. Somebody put them there for a reason. Why would such minerals be in bands and layers in the rocks? Such metals certainly were not laid down in that fashion by “shallow seas” and “meandering streams.”

And why are there miles and miles of deep deposits of coal? The Great flood swept the trees off the face of the earth and deposited them in Pennsylvania, Utah and many other locations on every continent. It doesn’t take millions of years to make coal. Coal can is made in a matter of weeks or months and the flood explains why the coal is there and how it got there. Geologists make the bizarre and false claim that coal was formed over millions of years in swamps, but coal does not appear in any swamp anywhere on earth—as the scientists claim; not today, not anciently. Coal can be created in a matter of weeks or months under heat and pressure. Thirty million year old coal does not exist. Furthermore, carbon 14 has a half life of less than 6,000 years and completely disappears in about 90,000 years. According to today’s geologists, the earth’s coal is at least 100 million years old. Yet, every coal deposit on earth has carbon 14 throughout. How can this be?

Where did all the gas and oil come from? It does not come from decaying animals. Such nonsense is completely unscientific and illogical. Gas and oil is where it is because God put it there, it was created by him for the benefit of man. The mineralogists keep telling us there is only so much oil, a limited amount, and when it’s gone, it’s gone. But behold more oil fields are discovered all the time. Where did they come from? Supposedly, all the world’s oil reserves were discovered and known decades ago, but somehow more oil just keeps showing up all over the place, places it wasn’t supposed to be. Why is it there? Where did it come from? Who put it there? God created it and perhaps even continues to replenish it.

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